What is the name of this Tree?

Good morning!
Maayong buntag. 
Magandang umaga.

I posted a very beautiful trees on my FB on 12 March 2019.
Many people gave comments.
Some said, it is equivalent to Japanese Cherry. I thought it also.
I asked the name of the tree, there was a discussion on Local name (scientific name), description.

At the gate of Bukidnon State  University   

Summary and tentative conclusion are below:

1.    Golden Shower (Cassia fistula)
10 - 20m tall. Fruit: 30-60cm Legume ()
Family: Fabaceae.
*National Tree of Thailand
URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassia_fistula

2.    Golden Rain Tree (Kolelreuteria paniculate)
7m tall.
Family: Sapindaceae.
However, Cassia fistula is also called as Golden Rain Tree.
URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koelreuteria_paniculata

3.    Narra (Pterocarpus induicus)
30 - 40m tall.
Up to 2m drunk diameter.
Family: Fabaceae.
*National Tree of the Philippines declared in 1934.

4.    Ipe (Handroanthus) (30  
Family: Bignoniacea
*National Tree of Brazil

Tentative Conclusion 
Many people got confused, but now we arrive at the tentative conclusion, it is commonly known as Golden Shower, (Cassia fistula)
Narra and Golden Shower (Golden Rain Tree) are in the same Family, thus they look alike.
Thank you for your suggestion and sharing...

Bukidnon State University

